Logo Expérience SK

Expérience SK

Façade de la boutique Expérience SK Mont-Tremblant
Location de ski alpin et de randonnée alpine Laurentides
Location de fat bike dans les Laurentides
Location de fat bike dans les Laurentides
Location de ski de randonnée alpine Laurentides
Location de patins et accès à la patinoire Mont-Tremblant

Expérience SK

SK Experience | bike & ski shop

Expérience SK is a shop selling and renting sporting and outdoor gear for the whole family. You will find them in Mont-Tremblant and Val-Morin.

In the summer, rent a mountain bike, a junior bike, an electric bike, a gravel bike or a paddle board. They also offer regular maintenance, spontaneous repair and mechanic services for your bike.

In winter, rent a fatbike, alpine touring skis or a splitboard, alpine skis, a snowboard, cross-country skis, snowshoes or skates.

In Mont-Tremblant, they offer a turnkey service and a direct access to the mountain bike trails and the private beach of Lake Ouimet, to the fatbike trails, cross-country skis and snowshoes, and at the private ice rink in front of the old barn. The boutique is located on the site of the Le Grand Lodge hotel, a few minutes from the old village and from Tremblant ski resort.

In Val-Morin, they offer the same unparalleled service for mountain biking just a few steps from Belle-Neige station.

Follow their activities on Facebook and Instagram.

For more information regarding rental, delivery, sales or mechanical services, do not hesitate to write an email or call directly at the store. They will be able to better target your needs and quickly answer all your questions.


46.172875, -74.59708

Address of content item

Expérience SK
2396, rue Labelle
Mont-Tremblant QC J8E 1S8


819 808-9725

Expérience SK sur les réseaux sociaux