What to do?

What to do in the Laurentians 

The Laurentians region has a wealth of tourist offerings with many attractions and activities. There is truly something for everyone! There are many family activities, including the Village du Père Noël, water slides, and beaches, among others. Other attractions are oriented around recharging and relaxation, such as Nordic spas, lake cruises, and hiking. For winter, we have a bunch of suggestions to enjoy the beautiful snow season. Every season brings its share of happiness.


Whether you want to do some whitewater rafting, family rafting or sportyaking, you will really enjoy discovering the Rivière Rouge. New World Rafting offers excursions catering for all tastes.


Come and discover some impressive panoramas. Enjoy the trail network around Mont Kaaikop, as it crosses bridges and runs along Lac Legault, with some magnificent viewpoints.


Summer 2024: opening date to be announced


The winter season is from December to the end of March. Parc Éco Laurentides makes the natural attractions and wildlife of this land of forest, lakes and mountains available to you.


Summer 2024 : open from May to September


Parc Éco Laurentides makes the natural attractions and wildlife of this land of forest, lakes and mountains available to you.


Recognized as one of the finest rafting rivers in North America, the Rouge River can provide you with plenty of thrills and emotion.


Parc Éco Laurentides makes the natural attractions and wildlife of this land of forest, lakes and mountains available to you.