Auberge Le Lupin B&B

Auberge Le Lupin B&B

Le Lupin is located 1 KM away from the Tremblant Resort, close to Lake Tremblant, cross-country skiing paths, bicycle and hiking trails, neighbor to the famous Le Géant golf course. L'Auberge Le Lupin offers 9 bedrooms all with private bathroom and Wifi. Most rooms have air conditioning and some have a fireplace. For your convenience, you will find a comfortable living area with a fireplace, and a large dining room where delicious breakfasts are served. Access to a private beach on lake Tremblant in the summer.


Establishment number: 623825

Number of Units:


46.207388, -74.600231

Address of content item

127, rue Pinoteau
Mont-Tremblant QC J8E 1G2


819 425-5474

Toll Free

1 877 425-5474

Auberge Le Lupin B&B sur les réseaux sociaux